Tuesday, January 24, 2012

vRanger "host could not be identified"

We had our vCenter sever hiccup on us yesterday, so (naturally) our vRanger backups failed last night.

The error we received was:

An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Quest support if the error persists.  Error Message: VMSERVER's host could not be identified

Essentially what causes this issue is a communication sync error between vRanger and vCenter. I ran across this error a year and a half ago running on vRanger 4.x (you can read my post here). This time it was on Quest vRanger version 5.3.0, so I did a quick search to see if there were any newer solutions for verison 5. It appears that Quest now has a KB article about it.

Basically, their solution is to restart the services - stop the API and FLR Services, restart the vRanger service, then start up the API and FLR services.

I always prefer to go above, so I also refreshed the jobs (like my previous experience taught me) by opening them up and click next and finish all the way through (without changing anything).

Next time I'll remind my guys to restart vRanger services whenever vCenter bounces.

Dustin Shaw

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